Dynamics Seminar Schedule 2010-2011

Location: Math 1311
Time: 3:30
Day: Thursday

Fall 2010

Organizer: Giovanni Forni

September 2: Meet and Greet with the Dynamics Faculty
September 9: Dynamics of Meromorphic Semigroups
David Hamilton (University of Maryland, College Park), dhh@math.umd.edu
September 16: The Cohomological equation for Horocycle maps with application to quantitative equidistribution
James Tanis (University of Maryland, College Park), jtanis2@gmail.com
September 23: Essence of Sensitivity
Anima Nagar (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi), anima@maths.iitd.ac.in
September 28: Non-uniformly hyperbolic horseshoes have Haussdorff dimension smaller than two Note Special Day (Tuesday)
Carlos Matheus (College de France), matheus.cmss@gmail.com
October 7: Stable Ergodicity of Partially Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms: The Dissipative Case
Yakov Pesin (Penn State University), pesin@math.psu.edu
Gernot Greschonig (University of Vienna), greschg@fastmail.net
October 21: No seminar (Penn State Conference)
October 28: The pressure, densities and first order phase transitions associated with multidimensional SOFT
Shmuel Friedland (University of Illinois at Chicago), friedlan@uic.edu
November 4: Local rigidity of generic partially hyperbolic abelian algebraic higher-rank actions
Zhenqi Wang (Yale University), zuw104@psu.edu
November 11: Thermodynamics for non-uniformly mixing systems: factors of beta-shifts are intrinsically ergodic
Vaughn Climenhaga (University of Maryland), climenhaga@math.umd.edu
November 18: Analytic properties of one and a half degrees of freedom Hamiltonian Systems and exponentially small splitting of separatrices
Marcel Guardia (Penn State University), marcel.guardia@upc.edu
November 25: No Seminar (Thanksgiving)
December 2: Continuous averaging and the Nekhoroshev theorem
Jinxin Xue (University of Maryland-visiting Penn State), jxue@math.umd.edu
December 9: NO SEMINAR

Spring 2011

Organizers: Giovanni Forni and Paul Wright

February 24: The classification problem for Teichmuller curves
Matt Bainbridge (Indiana University), mabainbr@indiana.edu
March 3: Gaps in angles between generalized diagonals
Jayadev Athreya (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), jathreya@gmail.com
March 10: Open extensions of minimal flows
Joe Auslander (University of Maryland), jna@math.umd.edu
March 17: Regularity of weak KAM and Arnold diffusion in a priori stable system with 3 degrees of freedom
Cheng Chong-Qing (Nanjing University), chengcq@nju.edu.cn
Friday, March 25 at 2 pm Lyapunov Functions: Towards an Aubry-Mather theory for homeomorphisms?
Note the special day and time Albert Fathi (ENS Lyon)
March 31: Dynamics on Panov planes
Martin Schmoll, schmoll@clemson.edu
April 7: Schmidt's game, friendly measures and exceptional sets on fractals
Lior Fishman (Brandeis University), lfishman@brandeis.edu
April 14: NO SEMINAR
April 21: Completing the Weil-Hedlund-Anosov Program
Nelson Markley (Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland at College Park), nmarkley@ptd.net
May 5: Explicit splitting for triangle billiards
Dmitri Scheglov, Dmitri.V.Scheglov-1@ou.edu

Previous Schedules (listed by Academic Year)

1998-1999     1999-2000    
2000-2001     2001-2002     2002-2003     2003-2004     2004-2005    
2005-2006     2006-2007     2007-2008     2008-2009     2009-2010