Location: Math 1308
Time: 2:00
Day: Thursday Start Aug 30
Organizer: Joe Auslander/Ken Berg
August 30: | Entropy Properties in Non-uniquely Ergodic Systems |
Tomasz Downarowicz (Wroclaw University of Technology), Wroclaw, Poland, downar@math.umd.edu | |
September 6: | Invariant Graphs, Chromatic Numbers, and Recurrence Properties of Sets of Integers |
Hillel Furstenberg (Hebrew University), hillel@math.umd.edu | |
September 13: | Which Toral Endomorphisms are Isomorphic? |
Chris Hoffman (University of Washington), hoffman@math.washington.edu | |
September 20: | Conjugacies between T and T2 for ergodic T |
Geoff Goodson | |
September 27: | The integrability of the central distribution |
Misha Brin (Univ of Maryland, College Park), mib@math.umd.edu | |
October 18: | The Weak Closure Theorem fails for Z^2 actions |
Tomasz Downarowicz (Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland,) | |
October 25: | Almost periodic sets and a theorem of Glasner |
Joe Auslander (Univ of Maryland), jna@math.umd.edu | |
November 1: | Transversely hyperbolic systems with symmetries |
Dmitri Dolgopyat (Penn State ), dolgop@math.psu.edu | |
November 8: | A fixed point theorem for bounded dynamical systems |
Dave Richeson (Dickenson College) | |
November 15: | On codimension one dominated splitting |
Martin Sambarino (Univ of Maryland), samba | |
November 29: | PROBABILISTIC STABILITY OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS By invitation of the hiring committee |
Dimitri Dolgopyat ( Penn State University), dolgop@math.psu.edu | |
December 6: | Entropy for Markov operators |
Bartosz Frej (Wroclaw Univeristy of Technology, Poland) | |
February 19: | Once reinforced random walks TUESDAY at 1 in 1310 |
Mike Keane (Wesleyan University) | |
February 28: | Extremality of Independent Processes |
Steve Kalikow (College Park), skalikow@math.umd.edu | |
March 07: | Attainability of symbolic extension entropy |
Tomasz Downarowicz (Michigan State), downar@math.msu.edu | |
March 21: | Properties of amenable group actions via orbit euivalence |
Kyewon Park, kkpark@madang.ajou.ac.kr | |
April 4: | Joinings of three-interval exchange transformations |
Sebastien Ferenczi (University of North Texas), Denton, TX, sf0027@unt.edu | |
April 11: | Equidistribution of integer points and unipotent flows |
Oh | |
April 18: | Mixing Time for Biased Card Shuffling |
Chris Hoffman (University of Washington), hoffman@math.washington.edu | |
April 25: | The Quantitative Oppenheim Conjecture Room 3206 |
G. Margulis (Yale) | |
May 2: | Voronoi Percolation |
Anthony Quas (University of Memphis), quasa@msci.memphis.edu | |
May 9: | Toward a Mathematical Theory of Observation |
Will Ott (Maryland) | |
September 12: | Relative mixing and orbit equivalence |
Dan Rudolph (University of Maryland), Department of Mathematics, 20742, djr@math.umd.edu |