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Dynamical Systems Seminar Schedule 2009-2010

The Dynamical Systems Seminar for the mathematics department at the University of Maryland meets on Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 PM in room 1311 of the Mathematics Building. The organizers are Dmitry Dolgopyat and Paul Wright.

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Also visit the Dynamics at Maryland Page, which includes a list of upcoming dynamics-related events at Maryland, and our Student Seminar Page.

Spring 2010

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title/Abstract
February 4 Vadim Kaloshin (UM) On Finiteness of Central Configurations
February 11 SEMINAR POSTPONED Due to "Snowmageddon," Jinxin Xue's talk on Arnold diffusion for a planar 4 body problem will be rescheduled.
February 18 Sergiy Borodachov (Towson University) On A Certain Separation Condition For Attractors Of Finite Systems Of Contractive Homeomorphisms
Tuesday, February 23 in room 1308 (Note the special day and room, and that this talk is joint with the Geometry/Topology Seminar.) Thierry Barbot (Université d'Avignon) Anosov actions of R^k (joint work with C. Maquera)
March 4 Richard Montgomery (UCSC) at 3:30 / Jacques Féjoz (Paris 6) at 4:30 Introduction to the N-body problem: Open problems (Montgomery)/ Relative Equilibria and Unchained Polygons in the N-Body Problem (Féjoz)
March 4-7 School on Celestial Mechanics University of Maryland
March 11 Dan Thompson (Penn State) A Criterion For Topological Entropy To Decrease Under Normalized Ricci Flow
March 18 NO SEMINAR Spring Break
March 25 NO SEMINAR --
April 1 Marie-Claude Arnaud (Avignon) Tonelli Hamiltonians: Lyapunov exponents and regularity of their minimizing measures
April 8 Klaus Schmidt (University of Vienna/ESI) at 3:30 / Matt Foreman (U.C.Irvine) at 4:30 Sandpiles and the Harmonic Model (Schmidt) / Conjugacy for ergodic measure preserving transformations is a complete analytic equivalence relation (Foreman)
April 10-13 Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics University of Maryland
Tuesday, April 13 in room 1308 (Note the special day and room.) Sergiy Kolyada (Department of Dynamical Systems Theory, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) Li-Yorke sensitivity and other concepts of chaos in (topological) dynamics
April 15 NO SEMINAR Conference on Celestial Mechanics at the University of Maryland, April 15-18
April 22 Joe Galante (UM) at 3:30 / Kevin McGoff (UM) at 4:30 Construction of a twisting coordinate system for the RCP3BP (Galante) / Random shifts of finite type (McGoff)
April 29 TBA TBA
May 6 NO SEMINAR Stochastics and Dynamics: Asymptotic Problems at the University of Maryland, May 6-9
Monday, May 10 at 3:00 p.m. in room 1313 (Note the special day, time and room, and that this talk is joint with the Geometry/Topology Seminar.) David Constantine (University of Chicago) Group actions and compact forms of homogeneous spaces

Fall 2009

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title/Abstract
September 3 NO SEMINAR --
September 10 in room 3206 (Note the special room; this seminar is joint with the PDE/Applied Math Seminar.) Stuart Antman (UM) Shuddering motions of a pendulum
September 17 James Yorke (UM) Period doubling cascades and horseshoes
September 24 (This seminar is joint with the Geometry-Topology Seminar.) Bill Goldman (UM) Three-dimensional affine space forms and geodesic flows of noncompact hyperbolic surfaces. Abstract: The classification of 3-manifold quotients of R^3 by discrete groups of affine transformations naturally leads to deformations of hyperbolic-geometry structures on noncompact surfaces. The deformations of particular interest are those in which the lengths of geodesics (specifically, measured geodesic laminations) uniformaly increase. The quotients have natural geodesically complete flat Lorentzian metrics. This represents joint work with Charette, Drumm, Labourie, Margulis and Minsky.
October 1 NO SEMINAR tba
October 8 (This seminar is joint with the Geometry-Topology Seminar.) Moon Duchin (University of Michigan) The space of flat metrics. Abstract: What billiard trajectories can occur on a rational table? One approach to this classical problem is to first develop the table to obtain a (singular) flat metric on a hyperbolic surface S, and study the space of flat metrics under the action of SL(2,R). These flat structures also arise as metrics induced on S by quadratic differentials, where the diagonal part of the SL(2,R) action can be interpreted as Teichmuller geodesic flow. I'll discuss a collection of geometric and dynamical questions about flat surfaces with emphasis on recent joint work with Leininger and Rafi on their length spectra and asymptotic geometry.
October 15 Dmitry Dolgopyat (UM) Transport for infinite horizon Lorentz gas. Abstract: We review known results and open problems about thermostated Lorentz gas and related systems.
October 22 Paul Wright (UM) Billiards with Small Holes
October 29 NO SEMINAR Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics, Penn State University October 29- November 1
Tuesday, November 3 in room 1308 (Note the special day and room.) Domokos Szasz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics and University of Toronto) BILLIARD MODELS AND ENERGY TRANSFER Abstract: The recent progress of the theory of hyperbolic billiards have enhanced the interest toward billiard models since they are most promising for the derivation of laws of statistical physics from newtonian dynamics. Parallel to this progress, energy transfer models (in particular, the study of diffusion and of Fouriers law of heat conduction) have recently got to the center of interest. In this talk I will present models with energy transfer and will treat a stochastic version of one of them in detail.
Tuesday, November 10 in room 1308 (Note the special day and room, and that there are two seminars this week.) Dmitry Jakobson (McGill University) Curvature of Random Metrics Abstract: This is joint work with Igor Wigman and Yaiza Canzani. We study the behavior of the scalar curvature for random Riemannian metrics close to metrics of constant scalar curvature. We next consider analogous questions for Branson's Q-curvature.
November 12 Steve Lalley (Chicago) Self-Intersections of Random Geodesics on Negatively Curved Surfaces
Tuesday, November 17 in room 1308 (Note the special day and room, and that there are two seminars this week.) Mark Demers (Fairfield University) Variational Principles for Dynamical Systems with Holes
November 19 Joe Auslander (UM) The Furstenberg Structure Theorem
November 26 NO SEMINAR Thanksgiving

Previous Schedules

Academic Year 1998-1999 Academic Year 2000-2001
Academic Year 1999-2000 Academic Year 2001-2002
Academic Year 2002-2003 Academic Year 2006-2007
Academic Year 2007-2008 Academic Year 2008-2009