Lodging Information for Spring 1998 Workshop

We have reserved a block of rooms at the College Park Quality Inn, which is a short walk from the Department of Mathematics.

Quality Inn
7200 Baltimore Ave. (U.S. Route 1)
College Park, MD 20742

We will cover the cost of lodging for participants based on double occupancy. If you prefer a single room, we ask that you pay $29 per night (half the cost of the room). The amount should be paid to the organizers at the meeting, by a check payable to "Department of Mathematics". Funds for further travel support are very limited. There is no registration fee.

Please send your reservations to Brian Hunt at bhunt@ipst.umd.edu. You should specify what dates you will be staying overnight, and with whom you will share a room or whether you are willing to be paired with someone by the organizers. Also, though we cannot guarantee your choice, let us know if you prefer a smoking or a non-smoking room.

Click here for detailed travel information.