Spring 2014 Meeting of the
Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics

April 11-13 (Friday-Sunday), 2014

Department of Mathematics
University of Maryland, College Park

The annual Maryland-Penn State Spring Dynamics Meeting will take place in College Park, MD during the period from April 11 till April 13, 2014.


  • Friday, April 11, 3 pm: Mathematics Colloquium talk by Bill Veech

    Other confirmed speakers:

  • On Thursday, April 10, 2-4 pm there will be a talk by Dave Ellis in the Dynamical Systems Seminar .


    The conference motel will be the Quality Inn, 7200 Baltimore Blvd. (Route 1), College Park MD 20740, 301-276-1000. It is within walking distance of the Math department. You can walk to Quality Inn from College Park Metro Station by going west along Calvert Road (exactly 1/2 mile, about 10-15 minutes); alternately you can call the hotel (301-276-1000) for shuttle pickup (we are not sure of the reliability of this pickup).

    We expect to provide lodging support at the Quality Inn for conference participants, at shared room rate. We are encouraging participants to share a room as only 1/2 the room rate will be reimbursed. Reservations must be done directly by the participants with the Quality Inn. There will be a special rate for participants to the Dynamical Systems Workshop. The lodging expenses will be reimbursed after the conference.

    Travel and parking information

    Click here for directions to the math department by car and a map for parking. Please note that this year's conference is NOT during our campus's spring break, so all parking rules must be followed strictly. We CANNOT reimburse nor waive parking tickets. On weekdays you must use a visitor lot, the closest of which is marked in yellow on the map at the link above. The Math building, where the conference will be, is also in yellow on that map.

    Conference Organizers