Spring 2008 Meeting of the
Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics

in honor of Michael Brin on the occasion of his being 60

March 15-18 (Saturday-Tuesday), 2008
Department of Mathematics
University of Maryland, College Park

There are now ***PHOTOS*** from the conference.


Program and partial list of participants. Some events on the schedule:

There will be a volume entitled Geometric and probabilistic structures in dynamics published in Contemporary Mathematics Series dedicated to the Misha's 60th birthday.
Misha's bio which will appear in this volume is available here.

Travel and parking information

Click here for directions to the math department by car and a map for parking. After 4:00 P.M. Friday, for the duration of the conference, you can park for free in Lot XX1, on your right as you enter campus from Route 1. Before 4:00 P.M., use the Pay lot, in yellow on the map. The Math building, where the conference will be, is also in yellow on that map. For a larger frame context or more detail, you can click to the campus interactive parking map. (Click once in the middle to get a more visible picture, and then click around the "M" circle to see the area of the previous map.)

Click here for directions to the math department by metro. The University shuttle will run Friday March 14 but not Saturday-Tuesday (spring break).

Click here for directions from the three Washington-area airports. Dulles airport is the most inconvenient of the three area airports. For a possibly better trip here from Dulles, you can consult the Dulles Airport Trip Planner for a trip FROM Dulles Airport TO College Park. You will get times for a bus to L'Enfant Plaza, where you can catch the Metro to College Park.

On Friday, you can go directly from College Park Metro to the Math Department as follows. Catch a University of Maryland shuttle from College Park Metro to the campus. The Math department is the building topped by the gray slate dome, on your right about 100 yards after you cross Route 1 and enter campus. Almost immediately after is a shuttle stop at the "M" traffic circle, where you can exit the shuttle and walk balk to the math building.

Lodging information and support

The conference motel will be the Quality Inn, 7200 Baltimore Blvd. (Route 1), College Park MD 20740, 301-276-1000. It is within walking distance of the Math department. You can walk to Quality Inn from College Park Metro Station by going west along Calvert Road (exactly 1/2 mile, about 10-15 minutes); alternately you can call the hotel (301-276-1000) for shuttle pickup (we are not sure of the reliability of this pickup).

We expect to provide lodging support at the Quality Inn for conference participants, at shared room rate (if you are willing to share a room, we pay; if you request a single room, we pay half). For this, please contact us before March 1 if possible. Our rate at the Quality Inn will be $80 per room. If you have not already been in touch with an organizer on this, then please email ToAnh Chung (tachung@math.umd.edu) with copy to Mike Boyle (mmb@math.umd.edu) indicating the nights you want to stay at the Quality Inn. If you want to share a room and do not have a roommate, we will find one for you.

Virtual Talks

There are many more interesting talks than we have speaking spaces. We welcome any participant to email (to mmb@math.umd.edu) an abstract and title of a "virtual talk", which we will post on the conference site. (Click above to browse.) These can include links. This is an opportunity to alert other participants who might be interested to discuss your work, and to publicize your results.

Organizing Committee

The Maryland-Penn State Dynamics Workshop

This workshop has been hosted each fall since 1991 by Penn State University and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The Maryland meeting is supported by our Department of Mathematics and by the National Science Foundation.

To be added to the electronic mailing list for this and future workshops at Maryland, send a message to majordomo@math.umd.edu with the line "subscribe dswslist" in the message body.

You can click here for past programs of the Maryland conferences, information on Dynamics and Chaos at Maryland, and the home page of the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State, which contains information on the Penn State meetings.