Spring 2007 Meeting of the
Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
in honor of Hillel Furstenberg
in recognition of his long association with
the Maryland mathematics department and his many contributions to
dynamical systems. Note: it has recently been announced that
Hillel Furstenberg will be awarded the Wolf Prize in
Talks will begin Sunday morning around 9AM and will conclude
Wednesday around noon. In addition, a special colloquium related to
the theme of the conference will be held the previous Friday, March
16, at 3PM. Click here for lodging information.
Click here for campus visitor
information, and here for
directions to the math department by car, here for directions from the
three Washington-area airports, and here for directions to the math
department by metro. Note: the university will be on Spring Break
effective Saturday,
so the university shuttle buses may not be running. If you are going
directly to the Quality Inn, you can walk there from the
Park Metro Station by going west
along Calvert Road (about 10-15 minutes), or call
the hotel (301-276-1000) for shuttle pickup.
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Vitaly Bergelson, Ohio State University
- Hillel Furstenberg, Hebrew University
- Eli Glasner, Tel Aviv University
- Yves Guivarc'h, University of Rennes
- Neil Hindman, Howard University
- Anatoly Katok, Penn State University
- Bryna Kra, Northwestern University
- Elon Lindenstrauss, Princeton University
- Alex Lubotzky, Hebrew University (Mathematics Colloquium)
- Gregory Margulis, Yale University
- Shahar Mozes, Hebrew University
- Yuval Peres, University of California, Berkeley
- Larry Shepp, Rutgers University
- Christian Skau, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Arkady Tempelman, Penn State
- Anatoly Vershik, Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg
- Benjy Weiss, Hebrew University
- Tamar Ziegler, University of Michigan
Organizing Committee
More Information
- Click here for lodging information.
If you want us to get a room for you, you must notify us by
February 26.
- You can contact the local organizers about topics like
lodging, the banquet,
and financial assistance at dynconf@math.umd.edu.
- There will be a conference banquet on Monday, March 19
at 7:30 at Pita Plus Restaurant,
a very close walk from the math
department and the hotel. The food is kosher, with an emphasis on
Middle Eastern dishes, and is quite tasty. The cost will be
$40 person for faculty and guests, $20 for students,
including soft drinks and tip. If possible, please pay
in advance by a check made out to Department of Mathematics Coffee Fund,
which you can send c/o Anita Dahms, Mathematics Department, Univ. of
Maryland, College Park MD 20742. Otherwise you can pay by cash or
check when you arrive at the conference.
- You can click here for
of the Maryland conferences, information on
at Maryland, and the home page of the
Center for Dynamics and
at Penn State, which contains information on the Penn State meetings.
The conference is supported by the Department of Mathematics,
of Maryland, by the Office
of International Programs,
University of Maryland,
the Clay Mathematics
Institute, by the National Science Foundation, Grant number
DMS-0600296 and Grant number
DMS-0400493, and by John
Wiley & Sons, publishers.