Maryland-Penn State Regional Conference on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics Spring 1994 Saturday March 12 8:30 -9:30 Registration (Please sign in. No conference fee. Coffee, bagels, etc.) 9:30 Ya. G. Sinai Princeton University Statistics of spectra of Laplace-Beltrami operators on Liouville surfaces 11:00 David Fried Boston University Continuation of Zeta Functions for Hyperbolic Flows 1:45 Mikhail Gromov University of Maryland and IHES The entropy spectrum 3:00 John Kulesza George Mason University Zero-dimensional covers of finite dimensional dynamical systems 4:15 Leon Green University of Minnesota Hedlund and dynamics in the U.S. 8:00-10:00 Dessert party at the Rudolphs' Sunday March 13 9:30 Jack Wagoner U.C. Berkeley Inert Actions on Periodic Points of Subshifts of Finite Type 11:00 Serge Troubetzkoy SUNY Stony Brook Markov partitions via shadowing for diffeomorphisms with non-zero exponents 1:45 Alessandra Iozzi University of Maryland Limit sets of isometry groups of exotic hyperbolic spaces 3:00 Anatole Katok Penn State University Global rigidity of Anosov and non-uniformly hyperbolic actions of higher-rank Abelian groups Graduate student talks: 4:15 Andrei Torok Penn State University Deformation Rigidity of Partially Hyperbolic Actions 4:45 Alexey Kononenko Penn State University Duality and rigidity for cocycles Monday March 14 9:30 Krystyna Kuperberg Auburn University Counterexamples to the Seifert Conjecture 11:00 Konstantin Mischaikow Georgia Institute of Technology Isolating Neighborhoods, Conley Index, and Numerics (with an application to the Lorenz equations) 1:45 Vitaly Bergelson Ohio State University and the Technion Polynomial Extensions of the Szemeredi Theorem 3:00 Ethan Akin City College of New York (CUNY) Which Transitive Maps are not Chaotic? graduate student talks: 4:15 Ayse Sahin University of Maryland Tiling representations of R^2 actions and alpha-equivalence in 2 dimensions 4:45 Jawad Al-Khal University of Maryland Sigma-finite measures for the quadratic family Tuesday March 15 9:30 Yuli Ilyashenko Moscow State University and Penn State Zeroes of Abelian integrals and generation of limit cycles 10:45 Eli Glasner Tel Aviv University Topological entropy on spaces of measures and closed sets 12:00 Nicolai Chernov Princeton University Limit theorems for chaotic dynamical systems